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Returns the master data of the vault


vaultAddressstringYesThe address of the vault


type Output = {
apy: number
baseApy: number
version: number
isErc20: boolean
capacity: string
createdAt: number
feePercent: number
isPrivate: boolean
isGenesis: boolean
vaultAdmin: string
totalAssets: string
performance: number
feeRecipient: string
vaultAddress: string
mevRecipient: string
queuedShares: string
whitelistCount: number
blocklistCount: number
imageUrl: string | null
isSmoothingPool: boolean
tokenName: string | null
whitelistManager: string
blocklistManager: string
depositDataManager: string
tokenSymbol: string | null
displayName: string | null
description: string | null
osTokenConfig: {
ltvPercent: string
liqThresholdPercent: string
versionVault version
apyCurrent vault apy
baseApyThe vault average weekly base APY (without extra incentives)
isErc20Does the vault have its own ERC20 token
capacityMaximum TVL of Vault
createdAtDate of Creation
feePercentCommission rate
isPrivateWhether the vault is private
isGenesisIs a stakewise vault
queuedSharesThe total number of queued shares
isBlocklistWhether the vault has blocklist
vaultAdminVault administrator address
totalAssetsTVL of Vault
feeRecipientVault fee address
whitelistManagerWhitelist manager
vaultAddressAddress of vault
mevRecipientValidator fee recipient
whitelistCountNumber of addresses in the whitelist
blocklistCountNumber of addresses in the blocklist
imageUrlLink for vault logo
blocklistManagerBlocklist manager
depositDataManagerKeys manager address
isSmoothingPoolSmoothing poll or Vault escrow
tokenNameERC20 token name
tokenSymbolERC20 token symbol
displayNameName of vault
allocatorMaxBoostApyThe average max boost APY earned in this vault by the allocator
osTokenHolderMaxBoostApyThe average max boost APY earned in this vault by the osToken holder
descriptionDescription of vault
whitelistList of authorized users for deposits
blocklistList of blocked users for deposits
performanceVault performance indicator (percent)
osTokenConfigcontains the ltvPercent, which is the percentage used to calculate how much a user can mint in OsToken shares, and thresholdPercent, which is the liquidation threshold percentage used to calculate the health factor for the OsToken position


await sdk.vault.getVault({ vaultAddress: '0x...' })